Our Society - About GCC Bird Society

Rescue, Educate, Share Experiences

Brief History

The Greater Chicago Cage Bird Society has its origins in a bird show club that was formed in the 1930's and was called The Greater Chicago Cage Bird Club. Years later, the club expanded their membership to include bird enthusiasts.

The club started the adoption program, and initially birds were housed at several members' homes. As the number of birds increased, there became a need for a separate facility. The group rented space in Villa Park, Illinois, and in December 2012, opened the first Rescue and Adoption Center. The rescue has moved several times, but remains in Villa Park. Our goal is to one day purchase our own building.

Exotic birds within our shelter range from tiny finches to large macaws which have been relinquished, found outside, abandoned, or brought to us through animal control, police or fire departments. We provide a safe environment, healthy diet, medical care, and enrichment while the birds wait for placement in a permanent home through our adoption process.

In 2018, our name was changed to The Greater Chicago Cage Bird Society. We are a 501(c)3 organization operated by an all volunteer staff.

Offices of the Society

The society is able to do these activities through members volunteering to work. The board members and officers are elected according to the society by-laws. All members present at the election meeting vote to determine whom they want to elect to these positions. In addition, the bulletin editor(s), membership chairperson, adoption decision committee, and publicity chairperson are all volunteer positions.

President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the society and shall preside at all general society meetings. The president shall see that the bylaws of the society are enforced. He/She shall appoint such committees as are necessary to the functioning of the society. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

Vice-President: The Vice-President shall be in charge of the program for the society meetings. In the absence of the President, he/she shall assume the duties of the President.

Secretary: The Secretary shall record the minutes of the regular meetings and the meetings of the Board of Directors. All business correspondence shall go through the Secretary and a complete file kept of same. He/She shall keep a record of all proceedings of the society. He/She shall provide to journals material covering the activities of the society and such other information of educational nature or interest to bird fanciers.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep record of the accounts of the society, accounting for receipts and disbursements. These records shall be open to the members at reasonable times for inspection. He/She shall publish an annual report to the active members. He/She shall have custody of the corporate emblem and affix the seal when necessary.


To be eligible to serve in an elected office, or two-year term of director, one must have been a member in good standing for two years. To be eligible for the Board of Directors, nominees must be twenty-one (21) years old or older and have been a member in good standing for one year. To be eligible for the two-year terms, nominees must be twenty-one (21) years old or older and have been a member in good standing for two years. No duly elected officer or member of the Board of Directors may hold office in any other cage bird society that meets in the Chicago area.


Fox Valley Wildlife speaker


In person events are held throughout the year. Announcements are made on our website's main page, on Facebook, and emails are sent to menbers.